Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Few Favorite Photos of a Former Life

Ah, yes, some of my favorite photos. The first one, of me in my nursing uniform, was taken just before leaving for my last night shift at Jefferson County Hospital in Fairfield, Iowa.
The next photo shows how I ended my nursing career. At the burn barrel, burning my uniforms behind me. Like a great weight lifting off my shoulders. An opening of new experiences and a new chapter of my life. And nursing was not a focus anymore. Not a concern or even a thought in my head for my future.
The final photo shows my leaving Iowa via the Cedar Rapids Airport for a new home, a new experience, a new way of life, a new country and possibilities unlimited. I am so very glad that I did not put off this lifestyle change. I wanted to be able to start a new lifestyle while I was still young enough and healthy enough to be able to do it and enjoy it. Thankfully my many years of being a nurse provided me with enough of an income to be able to do just that.

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