Anyone who has read much of this blog at all has surely realized that I have a 'thing' for pelicans, or pelicanos as they are called here. I find they are the most fascinating creatures! And I found, and met, an artist who shares that fascination. Her name is Lila Magallon and she co-owns the lovely Galleria Gato Negro next to the Bistrot Francais in La Paz. Yesterday after having a delightful meal at the Bistrot I wandered into Lila's galleria. I gazed approvingly over the 10 or so other major pieces of artwork displayed. But my heart had already been captured, in an instant, by the colors and the movement and, of course, the subject of this most wonderful piece. Having no place for such a beauty on Argo, I was resigned to taking a photograph. Lila generously consented to my desire to photograph that which I could not possess. Thank you so much, Lila.
hi lady jane,
i'm trying to reach lila magallon, who is the daughter of joanne robertshaw, an old friend with which i have lost touch. i have sent an email to the gallery and it came back. is the gallery now closed? i'd appreciate it greatly if you would contact her and ask her to email me. her mother and i were 2 of the early women in advertising in the 60's. it would be fun to reminisce. i got to your site through google.
i look forward to your response,
dolores frey
To Dolores Frey, The Gallery is still open. I can go back and find Lila but how can she contact you?
hi jane,
she can email me at ramosfrey@aol.com.
thank you
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