Yeah, you see, someone needed to help out Frank and Cait so they could go see their kids in the States. But having two dogs unable to travel with them, they needed a house and dog sitter. It was a tough decision but Ron decided to sacrifice his time to the cause. I agreed to help out as well. So here we are, staying in Kailua, on the windward side of Oahu, about a 30 minute drive from Honolulu. A nice place to stay, a few minutes walk from this beach, a vehicle to transport us around the island, --and carry our shopping finds back home. Not to mention two very sociable dogs, Grunt and Bagle for my frequent doggie fixes.
The top photo is my first view of the Kailua Beach. Not too shabby. The most gorgeous turquoise color of water I can possibly imagine.

I would guess I don't look too put upon in this photo. And, little brother, I want you to especially notice that I have my hat on in the tropical sun!