My adventures in La Paz and Baja would never have come about had it not been for Captain Ron Miller. A Captain with over 40 years of experience Ron has made my time in Baja more than I could have ever imagined. Ron has lived aboard Argo for 17 years and shared Argo with me twice for 18 of the last 30 months. Despite my friends wondering why I would want to go back aboard Argo when she has 'tried to kill' me 'twice', I can only say that no matter what the circumstances, I knew Ron could handle any emergency. And he proved that during two instances that I felt were most definitely life threatening emergencies. His knowledge and skill prevented potentially devastating outcomes. During our 77 days in the Sea of Cortez in the summer of 2007 we experienced engine failure and started drifting toward very dangerous rocks. Ron kept Argo from going aground on those treacherous shores and we were rescued by Jim (Sun Hunter) and towed to Santa Rosalia and later back to La Paz, over 25o miles.
This past summer we had a blown water exchanger that allowed approximately 1500 gallons of salt water from the Sea of Cortez to enter the engine room. The water destroyed or damaged the engine, transmission as well as all the electronics for Argo. Water filled the bilges and started filling the v-berth. I had visions of sinking and either drowning in the Sea or being eaten by the shark I got a quick glimpse of when this emergency came about. But instead of Argo sinking, Ron was able to stop the inflow of water, obtain emergency assistance and pumps from Sea-tacean and a tow back to La Paz by a passing sport fishing boat.
I cannot imagine what would have happened with someone not possessing Ron's deep knowledge and understanding of boats and motors and all things to do with cruising in the Sea of Cortez.