Wednesday, September 9, 2009

La Paz-Dodging the Hurricane Jimena Bullet

While on vacation to Minnesota there was excitement popping up in the Pacific in the form of Hurricane Jimena. When I returned from vacation but was still in Fairfield, Iowa Ron emailed me that a large storm was brewing and likely headed for Baja. The next several days I was glued to the Internet checking on Jimena's progress. It was headed for La Paz as a Catagory 4 with the possibility of Cat 5 and I started wondering whether I would have a marina home with Ron to return to.
We, or La Paz, turned out to have escaped with some torrential rainfall but little else. North of us, Constitution, Loreto, Mulege, Santa Rosalia and other towns and villages sustained major damage as did the San Carlos/Guaymas areas on the mainland. Thousands of people have lost their homes. Thousands more have damaged properties and losses of indescribable degree. Power was lost. Roadways and bridges swept away either by massive flooding or the winds that were clocked above 150 mph.
I came home to Argo and Ron with only some standing water in the flood plain bearing witness of the wrath that was Jimena in La Paz. Would be that all of Baja had been so fortunate.

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