We watch at dusk for low clouds on the horizon. The makings for some great sunsets, some of which get radioed to the fleet as 'Sunset alert's. They can be quite spectacular but difficult to capture. 
These little fellers are known as 'mullets'. We see them by the dozens here in the Bay. They are usually up to 2 feet long, or the ones I have seen are that size. They feed on the algae attached to the sides of the docks and the hulls of the boats. Apparently they have crow-bar shaped teeth and I am frequently awakened when one of these suckers seems to hit the v-berth hull like a charging mountain goat! BAM! BAM! As we have a Mexican marina policy that does not rely on holding tanks for waste water, and toilets are emptied directly where these guys live, I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole.
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